If you attend homeowners or condo association board meetings, it’s important to be an effective communicator. Board meetings can be long and tedious if everyone isn’t on the same page. Here are 5 tips for improving communication in board meetings:
1. Provide agendas ahead of time
The agenda is essential for any board meeting. It ensures that everyone knows what is going to be discussed and provides a way to keep the meeting on track. By sending the agenda out ahead of time, you can encourage engagement from all members and avoid any surprises. There should always be two agendas, one for the open session, and one for the executive session.
Agenda items should be clearly defined so that there is no confusion about what is to be discussed. If there are any controversial topics on the agenda, make sure to allow ample time for discussion so that everyone has a chance to share their point of view. By following these tips, you can improve communication within your board and make meetings more productive.
2. Review the minutes from the previous meeting
If you’re a board member, it’s important to be an effective communicator. Board meetings can be long and tedious if everyone isn’t on the same page. Reviewing the minutes from the previous meeting is one way to ensure that everyone is up to speed and ready to participate in the current meeting. This allows it so that the meeting can hit the ground running and avoid rehashing old topics. Additionally, minutes can be used to make sure that action items from the previous meeting have been completed and to hold people accountable for their assigned tasks.
3. Encourage organized open communication
One of the most important things to encourage in a board meeting is open communication, but doing so in a way that allows the meeting to be productive. The board president should be running the board meetings and following Roberts Rule of Order. This means that people feel free to speak up without judgement. Judgement can be stifling and inconducive to team building, so it’s important to create an environment where people feel safe to share their thoughts and ideas. Board meetings can be a great place to open new lines of communication, as they provide a forum for discussion and debate. Make your board meetings productive and informative by allowing everyone at the table a chance to speak, but also setting expectations and boundaries as to what that looks like.
4. Stay on topic and avoid rambling.
Board meetings are a critical part of any business. They provide a chance for the board to come together and discuss important matters that affect the company. However, board meetings can also be long and tedious, especially if the members veer off topic or start to ramble. That’s why it’s important to stay on topic and avoid rambling during board meetings. Doing so will help to keep the meeting focused and on track, and it will also help to ensure that all the members are on the same page. So next time you’re in a board meeting, remember to stay on topic and avoid rambling. By doing so, you’ll help to make the meeting more productive and efficient.
5. Summarize key points at the end of each meeting
Each board meeting should end with a summary of the key points that were discussed. This will help to ensure that your association is running effectively. The summary should include the decision that was made on each issue, as well as any action items that were assigned. This will help ensure all members of the board are in agreement and that tasks are completed in a timely manner. The summary can then be used as a reference point for future meetings. By taking the time to summarize the key points of each meeting, you can help to ensure that your association is running smoothly and effectively.
Following these steps are just the beginning of a healthy board. It takes time, effort, and a considerable amount of work to keep your association on the straight and narrow—but it’s worth it! If you’re finding that board meetings continue to end in disaster, it might be time for an association management company. At Ardent Residential, we help run meetings for you! Connect with us today at www.MyArdent.com to learn about how we’re helping homeowners and condo associations just like yours in the greater Atlanta area.