Pandemic Pet Adoptions Rise
The pandemic has made cause for many unexpected circumstances, with one positive being the rise in furry friends joining family homes. Stay-at-home mandates have caused families, and those feeling isolated, to seek companionship in dogs, cats, and other animals. Studies have shown that having pets can have a huge improvement on mental and physical well-being.
According to a January 2021 survey conducted by Rover, a pet-sitting website, pet adoptions skyrocketed throughout 2020. It was reported that nearly half (49%) of U.S. residents got a new dog during the pandemic, and 64% of all pets were adopted from a rescue shelter, or re-homed from another family.
Pet Peeves
For condominium and home-owner associations, the growing number of pets in the community has caused an uptick in complaints. Most commonly these include people not picking up their pet’s waste, not properly leashing their pet, excessive barking, and aggressive behavior. Some Associations have increased fines and tweaked rules for pets, while others have started to fast-track plans for community dog parks. Still others are dedicated to providing pet owners with useful information and house-breaking tips.
Pet-Friendly Policies
Ensure pet rules are concise, fair, and well-communicated so residents can be held accountable while an opportunity is being provided that will make them happier and better pet parents.
If you don’t already have a sufficient amount of dog waste stations in your community, get them. If some still aren’t picking up after their dog, consider DNA tracing, installing cameras, or sending residents rewards for having the job done right.
Consider social activities that could be hosted for your condominium residents and their pets, such as inviting a trainer to run classes outside or a pet behaviorist to give a lecture.
The Shift From Remote
Pet Parent Care
With more people spending time at home, adopting a cat or dog in the last year was a timely decision. But as these new pet parents start to reacclimate to a post-pandemic lifestyle in the months ahead, they’ll likely need additional support. Of those surveyed by, 80% of pet owners said they anticipate having to leave their pet alone for the first time to return to work. Here is what else this survey showed:
- 83% of pet owners said they will spend as much or more on pet care in the next 6 months as they did in the previous 6 months. Among millennial pet owners, 52% plan to spend more.
- In the next 6 months, over 80% of pet owners anticipate needing to hire a pet sitter. That number jumps to 85% among pet owners under 30.
Love Conquers All
If the last year+ proves anything, it’s that our pets helped us through the most challenging of times. In fact, over 90% of pet owners are still completely happy with their decision to get a “pandemic pet.” As long as we continue to cherish and nurture our bond with them, they’ll be there for us during tough times whenever the need arises.
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