5 Ways To Simplify Member Duties
From running meetings and enforcing governing documents, to overseeing common areas and maintaining the financial health of a Condominium Owners Association (COA), the duties of a board of directors are endless. With so many responsibilities, volunteering on your Condo Association board can quickly become a full-time job. Working efficiently and effectively should be a top priority to any new board member. The best way your board can achieve more in less time is to look at your governing documents, your board’s procedures, and your community’s culture and reevaluate the processes and guidelines that may be outdated or simply no longer hold operational value for the association. By tackling the five to-dos we’ve listed below, you’ll easily simplify your board member duties and processes.
1.) Reevaluate Unenforceable Rules
Governing documents are the foundation and guiding principles of an association, and they include all the responsibilities of a board. Fully review your governing documents and ensure that no outdated requirements exist. Being sure to look for ambiguous or missing information is key. Take note of any unenforceable rules, and take the necessary steps to remove them. Check your bylaws and declaration for what’s needed to change your COA documents, and hire an association attorney to revise them. To best gauge if a rule is out of date or not needed, ask yourself if the rule is necessary, fair, and enforceable. While this task can take some time, it will offload unnecessary complexity to work and greatly simplify board member duties.
2.) Leverage Technology Solutions
The impact of technology can be felt in almost every industry; however, many COA’s are reluctant to leverage advanced solutions to improve how they handle basic functions. Providing an online or digital option for communicating, paying dues, or storing meeting minutes and governing documents can not only increase the board’s efficiency, but also lower costs and add convenience for homeowners.
3.) Run More Effective Meetings
Every COA must hold critical meetings throughout the year, including board meetings, annual meetings, executive sessions, committee meetings, and more. While vital to the success of a community, these meetings often lack proper planning and structure, leading to disorganization, little interest, and extended discussion with no resolution. Run more effective meetings by starting with an agenda, setting a time limit, and sticking to the business at hand. Successful meetings lead to more informed decision-making, better participation from homeowners, and the ability to act quickly on important matters.
4.) Rethink In-person Voting Requirements
Many meetings are now conducted virtually, including those for condo associations. As such, annual meetings that require voting on board member elections, assessment issues, budget approvals, and document amendments may benefit from going virtual. If your governing documents allow, rethink in-person voting requirements. The voting technology available today is more secure, convenient, and accurate than ever before. By transitioning to a virtual voting system, you’ll simplify board member duties, reduce the logistics and planning necessary for these votes, and make participation easier for attendees.
5. Clear Up Misinformation
The spread of misinformation in a COA can cause division and reduce the sense of unity that association boards work so hard to build. It can hinder operations, undermine productivity, and affect the quality of life for the entire neighborhood. To help clear up misinformation or concerns, communication with homeowners is vital. Following the best practices outlined below will result in better connections between everyone:
• Encourage residents to bring their questions directly to the board or community manager.
• Create transparency by answering questions as completely as possible and maintaining regular communication across multiple platforms (letters, online, meetings, social media pages, etc.).
• Always lead by example and refrain from fueling gossip or misinformation in the community. Have a clear and concise plan in place to quell any misguided gossip, as well as genuine concerns, that will inevitably surface.
Keep Moving Forward
While the five examples laid out above are a clear start to simplifying member duties, they certainly aren’t an all-inclusive list of ways your board of directors can streamline processes and responsibilities for its members. Associations and boards who stay up-to-date on current trends in business and technology, and who actively look for ways to implement them into their culture, enjoy the benefits of a community consisting of well-informed and educated board members and homeowners.
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