Employee Engagement: Strategies to Lead a Highly Motivated Team of Community Managers
As community Associations continue to trend upwards, the need for qualified managers to assist boards in fulfilling their responsibilities will increase. In order to recruit and retain talented individuals in this industry, management company executives must prioritize employee engagement by addressing challenges that may lead managers to feel discouraged in their job.
According to a new report by the Foundation for Community Association Research, 59% of managers surveyed claim a toxic work environment is the main reason for leaving their job with a management company. 42% indicate that a lack of opportunity for advancement would lead them to quit, while 47% cite decreased morale as a reason for moving on to a company that seems a better fit.
Management company CEOs and senior executives from around the country have been grappling with these challenges and finding solutions for engaging their top talent. Keynote speaker Jill Christensen tackled this discussion at the CAI 2021 CEO-MC Retreat, and she brought up some critical points on employee engagement. Her and other experts arrived at four presented strategies that can lead to a highly motivated network of Condo Association Managers:
Hire the right person for the role.
Employee engagement starts with hiring the right individuals for the job. As Christensen says, “You accomplish [engagement] by being incredibly selective in the hiring process. You must hire people who are both a good fit for the job, and a good fit for the culture you are creating.”
Create a line of sight.
When employees feel a sense of purpose, they are typically more engaged and productive, which gives way to your company’s strategy being executed more efficiently.
Build a two-way path of communication.
Communicating openly and honestly is the first step to a thriving culture, and gives your employees a chance to be heard. Providing a forum where you can solicit their input will be critical to eradicating disengagement and building trust between employees and company leaders.
Recognize people. There’s nothing more effective in the workplace, and in life, than a genuine “Thank you” for a job well done. Be it spoken or in writing, the most powerful form of recognition is to be acknowledged and appreciated for your efforts.
Furthermore, Christensen notes that a major driver of employee engagement is whether or not employees feel their leaders have a sincere concern for their well-being. She suggests that the best way for management CEOs and senior executives to accomplish this is by interfacing face-to-face with managers and other staff to show they are listening intently and fully present.
When these four strategies are implemented by community association management executives, the positive leadership culture will broaden to staff and, ultimately, to clients, Christensen emphasizes. For more tips on how to increase engagement in the workplace, read our article “Fighting Apathy: Arming Your Board With A Fresh Outlook.“
Let us know what tips you think COA’s & HOA’s could use to better balance their voluntary compliance by emailing us at: info@myardent.com.
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