Living in a building that’s 40 years or older in Miami-Dade or Broward County in Florida comes with an important obligation – 40-year recertification. The recertification process is essential for ensuring the safety of the building’s occupants and involves an inspection by a licensed architect or engineer. This blog will provide an overview of what Florida condo association boards need to know about 40-year recertification to keep their residents safe.
Firstly, it’s important to know if your building requires recertification. In Miami-Dade County, 40-year recertifications apply to all buildings except for single-family homes, duplexes, and buildings that have an occupant load of 10 or less and 2,000 square feet or less. In Broward County, it applies to all buildings except single-family homes, duplexes, those less than 3,500 square feet, and U.S. government or Florida state government buildings that are built on Indian reservations.
You shouldn’t wait for a notification to get started on repairs. When a building turns 40, county or city code compliance officials send a Notice of Required Inspection to the property owner or property management office. Property owners or management have 90 days from the date of notification to have the property properly inspected. The outcome of the inspection will determine if the property will be recertified for another 10 years or if improvements need to be made before the recertification is granted. If repairs or improvements are needed, owners are given another 60 days to complete them. Non-compliance with the inspection notice or not completing required repairs can result in penalties.
The inspections must be conducted by licensed professionals, and some repairs may require permits. The experts will examine the building’s foundational and electrical systems, including foundation, roofing systems, masonry bearing walls, steel frames, flooring, concrete framing systems, windows, wood framing, loading, electrical service, branch circuits, conduit raceways, and emergency lighting. However, a safety inspection does not mean the building needs to be brought up to present-day building codes. The safety inspection is done on the current condition of the building’s structure and electrical system. The idea is to determine if the existing structure remains safe. However, buildings that have been negligent in their maintenance should start this process at least 3-5 years before the recertification is required. It can take several years and several million dollars to bring the building up to expected standards, depending on the effectiveness of your management company.
There are several parts to the recertification process, including the Structural Recertification and Electrical Recertification. The Structural Recertification determines the general structural condition of the building. It includes the following, inspected by an architectural expert:
- Foundations
- Roofing systems
- Masonry bearing walls
- Steel framing systems
- Floor and roof systems
- Concrete framing systems
- Windows
- Wood framing
- Loading
The Electrical Recertification confirms that both the building or structure, as well as habitable and non-habitable areas, are safe for continued use under present occupancy. Under the electrical recertification inspection, engineers will look at:
- Electrical Services
- Branch circuits
- Conduit raceways
- Emergency lighting
- Gutters
- Electrical panels
- Equipment grounding
- Wiring methods
- Feeder conductors
- Parking illumination
Florida condo association boards must take 40-year recertification seriously to ensure the safety of their residents and the compliance of their community. The inspection process involves licensed architects and engineers checking the building’s foundational and electrical systems. Building owners or management should not wait to receive a notice and must take proactive measures to ensure that their building is up to code. If you need help with your 40-year recertification, contact Ardent Residential at 844-9-ARDENT and experience the BEST communication in the Association management business!