Ardent Residential
Vendor Education
5 Expert Tips How to Get HOA Contracts (For Vendors)
1. Build a Network How do HOAs get a vendor recommendation? Through their HOA management company, fellow resident, or close network. As such, it’s a great idea to be affiliated with an HOA management company in your area. They can help you get several contracts in...
How to Earn and Keep the Trust of a Condo or HOA Board
Landing a contract with an HOA or Condo Board can be a real boon for a vendor. The jobs are usually big and you can count on the customer to pay on time. No doubt, these are contracts that vendors want to have renewed. To keep getting that work, you need to earn and...
How Reserve Funding Can Protect HOAs and Condo Boards
Putting money into savings isn’t fun. It doesn’t buy you anything and it isn’t an investment that’s out earning you more money. No one likes saving for a rainy day—until the rainy day comes. Likewise, convincing association members that they need to fund a reserve...
Do’s and Don’ts of Marketing to Community Associations
Doing business with Community Associations is a great opportunity for any vendor. With over 370,000 HOAs in the United States, spending over $15 billion a year on their communities, working with Associations is a fantastic way to grow your business. Not only will you...
5 Ways to Improve Your Chances of Winning an HOA Contract
An HOA contract can be a great source of recurring revenue. However, winning an HOA contract can be a challenge for vendors. Here are a few ways to increase your chances of success. 1. Make Yourself Easy to Find and Highly Responsive Most well-run property owners’...
Can You Be a Vendor for Your Own HOA or Townhome Association?
If you own a company or provide professional services, what could make more sense than landing a contract with your own HOA or townhome association? After all, you know what’s needed and how to get the job done. Plus, getting paid for your services could defray the...
How to Maintain Your Status as a Preferred Condo Association or HOA Vendor
Once you’ve landed a contract as a condo association or HOA vendor, how do you keep it? You don’t want to be blindsided by a termination. It’s not unusual for boards to review contracts annually. They may put a contract out for bid again even if they’re satisfied with...

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