Ardent Residential
Blog Posts
7 Tips for Renovating Rental Property
Is it time to give your rental property a new look? Repairing what’s broken is the obvious first step. But renovating rental property is much more involved. Decide up front...
What Are the Pros and Cons of Hiring Condominium Property Management Services?
If you’re looking into hiring a third party to handle your condominium property management services, chances are you’re seeking a solution that can make your job easier....
How to Hire the Best Concierge Team for Your Condo Association
If you are looking for advice on how to hire the best concierge team for your condo association, we have some valuable tips. We can help you get the team you need to deliver...
How to Take HOA Sample Rules and Regulations to Guide You in Making Real Change in Your Association
No matter how reasonable a governing body might be, there will always be aspects that need improvement — sample HOA rules and regulations can help pinpoint the best ways of...
How Much Should Condo Associations Have in Reserves?
For those wondering about how much condo associations should have in reserves, there is much to consider. Every strong condo association should have a substantial reserve...
9 Ways to Get Homeowners to Attend HOA Meetings to Meet Quorum
Organizers of an HOA members meeting often discover that getting enough homeowners to attend to meet quorum can be quite a challenge. You can be one of those who struggle to...
Should You Allow Pets in Your Rental Property?
There’s no law stating that you should allow pets in your rental property, except for service animals. This means it’s up to you as the property owner to decide whether to...
Ardent News Roundup: Here’s What COA Boards Should Have on Their Radar
What topics are making the rounds among condo owners’ associations in 2017? While many of the legal issues cropping up have been under discussion for a long time, there are...
5 Benefits of Renting Out Your House Through a Property Management Company
Do you have an extra house or condo that’s sitting vacant? Do you want to enjoy a steady stream of recurring revenue by letting someone live there and pay rent? Renting out...
5 Ways to Enforce Neighborhood HOA Rules and Regulations
Communities with Homeowners’ Associations (HOA) have documentation that lists HOA rules and regulations. All homeowners, as well as guests and tenants, are expected to...
Is Your COA Prepared to Handle a Natural Disaster?
With all the hurricanes visiting the U.S., it’s no surprise that condominiums are being hit hard. Compared to an HOA, COAs serve communities with a high population density...
So, You Want to Be on the Condo Association Board?
Most condo owners know there’s a balance between cost and benefits when it comes to being a member of an association. You don’t always get what you want, and no one likes...
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