Ardent Residential
Blog Posts
What Are HOA Governing Documents?
What are HOA governing documents? They are the essential documents that set forth how the Home Owner's Association of your community runs. Also, they are the rules and...
3 Things to Look for in Your Condo Association Master Insurance Policy
A comprehensive condo association master insurance policy is one of the most important investments a condo association can make. All businesses need insurance, and when a...
Summer Tips for Your Condo Association
You want your residents to be safe at all times and during the summer, that can be even more important. Because summer is a popular time to travel, many residents will be...
Getting HOA and Condo Association Recordkeeping Right
HOA and condo association recordkeeping is never going to be anyone’s favorite job. But proper documentation is the foundation of any organization. With well-kept records,...
What Might Surprise You about Condo Management Company Responsibilities
Before hiring any company, it’s essential to understand condo management company responsibilities and the services they offer. Today’s company is diverse, providing...
5 Reasons Your HOA Needs an Online Homeowner Portal
Do you want to create less work for your HOA board and more satisfaction for your community members? Providing an online homeowner portal is a simple way to accomplish these...
4 Signs It’s Time to Change HOA Management Companies
When is it time to change HOA management companies? If you’ve been with the same provider for many years, it can be tempting to simply let things remain as they are. But...
What Belongs in HOA Meeting Minutes?
Good record keeping is mandatory for HOA boards for the sake of transparency and accountability. But not every comment and idea that comes up during a board meeting needs to...
How Are HOA Dues Determined?
Whether you are a board member or just a homeowner, HOA dues can be a confusing topic. Obviously, money is needed to run the organization. But how much should be collected...
6 Reasons to Hire a Condo Association Management Company
Whether yours is a large or small condo association, a mid-rise or high-rise condo, or a master-planned community, you can receive major benefits by choosing to work with a...
7 Tips on How to Run an Effective Condo Association Meeting
Knowing how to run an effective condo association meeting makes all the difference in your efforts to build community. Of the residents, investors and executive board...
Why Does an HOA Need a Management Company Instead of Being Self-Managed?
Does an HOA need a management company, or can it avoid the cost and go with self-management? If you are asking this question, it’s likely your organization is looking to...
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